Sunday, May 31, 2020

10 Things Recruiters Can Do Before 10 in 10 Minutes

10 Things Recruiters Can Do Before 10 in 10 Minutes All of my clients want more time. They also want to get more done. They want to improve their reach (and placement ratio) using social media. They want to improve brand awareness. They want more leads (or at least better jobs to work on). They want to be smart and innovative. Let’s not start on the obvious statement of wanting to source and attract talent. And they get into work, logon and it all goes Pete Tong. And it gets to 5pm, they’re logging off (yeah right!) and they are nowhere near achieving these clearly critical objectives.  But, boy have they been busy! Is this you? Are you a super-speedy-busy-recruiter? …who never gets enough done? Would you like more focus, and a time machine? How about trying a new (10 minute) routine? Spend 1 minute doing each of the things below: Send one interesting tweet and reply to another tweet. Those of you who tweet need to get jiggy with the reply button this is about engagement. You don’t need to get fluffy, you just need to stop with the constant retweets and boring hashtag’d jobs and speak to me (it’s not hard â€" I bet you do it every Friday night in the bar!). Check 3 of your clients’ Facebook pages and look for jobs/content. You never know what information, jobs or movers and shakers you may see. You may even see some talent! Go into your Keep in Touch menu on LinkedIn and check through your contacts. Look for birthdays, movers and shakers, job changes, job anniversaries (people with itchy feet?). Check 1 LinkedIn group and see if there are any new jobs or discussions. Stop deleting those group digest emails â€" they have jobs in! Check YouTube for something it is, after all,  the 3rd most popular website on the planet. Companies share jobs and company data on YouTube as well as ice bucket challenges. Schedule a #FF (Follow Friday) tweet and feel organised. There’s a right way and a wrong way â€" but your ultimate objective should be to attract attention whilst stroking someone’s hair! Check your LinkedIn home page newsfeed and like / comment / share other’s content (it’s not all about you!) And don’t forget to press the All Updates filter â€" you won’t have time to read everything. Nip into the Jobs part of LinkedIn and hunt for jobs that you can work, curse your clients for advertising without you, and curse your competitors for working on. Also note that you’ll even find talent in some jobs (oh my!). Nip into the Undercover Recruiter and Barclay Jones Blogs and read the latest content! (These are not the droids you’re looking for!) Nip into one of your target companies on LinkedIn and attract attention by engaging with their latest updates (talent follows companies â€" show your face!). 71% of people who follow a company are job seekers â€" so get to the party and show your face on the dance floor. I know you have loads to do, but how about trying out some (or indeed all) of the above.   Getting into a routine is always an effective thing to do (diets, running, washing, ironing… and here I enter the zone of things I don’t WANT to get into a routine for).   I’m off to start point 1!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Professional Resume Writing Services In Victoria

Professional Resume Writing Services In VictoriaIf you're working on building a career or looking to advance your existing job description, then professional resume writing services are a great option. Today, the market is flooded with thousands of different companies, so it's important to get yourself known in order to make the most of your services. You'll find it much easier to find and hire a good writer if you do it yourself. However, when you hire a professional, you're going to be getting a finished product that will give you the edge.The Internet is flooded with resume writing services that claim to have unique marketing strategies and a unique voice. The problem is that this all depends on who you're talking to. For example, if you decide to use one of these services to do the work for you, then you could end up with a resume that's about as useful as someone's coat hanger.On the Internet, there are thousands of different individuals and companies vying for attention. This m eans that they've all started to develop their own unique styles and agendas. It's always easier to go with a professional when it comes to building a resume, but you still need to consider your budget. Most people aren't willing to spend a lot of money on a resume.When you're in Victoria, it's important to keep in mind that you want to stick to a certain style. If you're going to be using a resume writing service, make sure that you choose one that has been in business for at least two years. Any reputable business will go to great lengths to help you land a job. So, you want to choose one that will take care of the details for you, rather than be left wondering about the whole process.When you hire professional resume writing services, you'll be able to get more attention to certain details. In the past, we relied on old-fashioned methods for writing resumes. This can lead to a lack of focus and will probably not get you the kind of results that you are looking for. Remember, you want to be competitive, so you need to stand out from the rest of the crowd.There are many factors to consider when it comes to building a resume in Victoria. One of the best ways to learn about these things is by asking your resume writer. He or she will be able to tell you what works best for them and you will likely be able to see how your new writing style can benefit you. The process of hiring a writer is important, because you don't want to waste your time and money by spending too much time on something that will not benefit you.There are plenty of examples of successful job seekers and professional resume writing services, so you have no excuse not to be included. So, it's never too late to look for professional services. The best way to start is by searching on the Internet.There are many agencies in Victoria that are ready to help you get your career off to a strong start. If you choose to write your own resume, make sure that you go with a writer that has experience. It's possible to pick up the basics while hiring a service, but you want to make sure that you're happy with your results.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Classy Career Girl Top 50 Up and Coming HR Blogs

Classy Career Girl Top 50 Up and Coming HR Blogs Yep, thats right!   Classy Career Girl made the top 50 up and coming HR blogs for career planning and advice including information on, well, how to be classy as you climb the corporate ladder.    If you are looking for more information on Human  Resources careers,  check out the other blogs on the  list to learn more about the very  important skill to have  the ability to manage people and help them settle into corporate life.   Training  and career development  are a HUGE passion of mine, so a spot on this list is very exciting!! Here are a few  other career blogs that made the list.   Hope you find some  great ones like I did! Leadership: Passion on purpose: Develop passion for your work and those you work with. General Human Resources: 1.00 FTE-Impressions of corporation life:  This great blog offers web comics about corporate life and human resources. A great way to get through the day. Career Development: MonsterThinking:  Career giant Monster started a new blog. Law, Policy and Ethics: Employee Training Blog:  Deals with workplace issues like taxes and other policies that might be of interest. Recruitment and Talent Management: Kenexa Blog: Learn about what makes people want to work for you. Any other passionate HR career gals out there?   What area of HR do you work in?

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Why Do People Travel Abroad For Cosmetic Surgery

Why Do People Travel Abroad For Cosmetic Surgery Medical tourism has been on the rise in recent months.   Thousands of people per year travel abroad for procedures in locations far from their homes.   They travel to get a   nose job in Turkey , dental work in Mexico, and even for treatment of serious medical conditions.    But why do they travel? Within this article, we are going to look at the benefits of medical tourism that cause so many people to opt for surgery procedures away from their homes. Waiting Lists One of the main reasons for the rise in medical tourism is the reduced amount of waiting time that you will experience when you travel this is due to the number of specialist surgeons able to do the procedure. The waiting times are often much faster than the likes of the NHS that has a significant waiting time for procedures such as this and therefore, lend themselves well to those looking to travel internationally for the procedure as the travel and procedure is all done rather quickly. Medical Care Another main reason why people tend to travel aboard for cosmetic surgery is quality affordable medical care. Not only do you have access to specialist surgeons but also to state of the art medical facilities. This is a benefit to those looking to travel abroad as they will be met with the very best of the surgeons to give you amazing results. This is also beneficial for you as often you are put in contact with your consultant and surgeon beforehand to talk about the type of procedure that you are looking to undergo. Decrease In Prices In addition to the better level of medical care, there is also substantial cost savings for medical care. This is beneficial to those looking to travel abroad as the cost of the procedure and travel is set to be significantly cheaper. Depending on the company that you go to, there are a number of packages available that include the price of the accommodation and the procedure for both before and after. All you have to do is pay for the flights to get to and from the country of your choice, making it easier and stress-free throughout the whole process. Greater Range Of Procedures Finally, the last benefit of medical tourism is the greater range of procedures that are available. Although this is not always the case depending on the company that you choose, the wide range of procedures available draw people in. This is one of the main reasons that so many people are looking to travel as the medical expertise combined with more choice makes for outstanding results with a much shorter waiting time. It is advised that you are to stay in the country 2 weeks before travelling home, meaning that you can rest and recuperate. So if you are looking to undergo cosmetic surgery then the option of medical tourism may be of a benefit to you if you have spent a long time on a waiting list, but ultimately the choice is completely up to you.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Choose a CVs Writing Service

How to Choose a CVs Writing ServiceCV resume writing service has gained a lot of popularity in the recent years. With the advent of internet, business owners have no more need to worry about their company's brand recognition.It has been a well-known fact that the target audience does not have time to read long articles. The fact is that they want to know and understand immediately, what needs to be done. As such, they seek out information within a short span of time. The people who work as an internet content writing company aim to provide exactly the same service.The good thing about working with a professional CV writing service is that you get an impressive resume in an efficient manner. You can take your time to compile and copy it in such a way that your employer will be impressed by it. You will be able to choose from a large number of templates that are provided by your provider.When using a CV resume writing service to write your resume, your employer would want to know all a bout you. This is where a professional writer's knowledge and experience come in handy. They should be able to create a resume that gives you a chance to convince your employer that you are the right candidate for the job.Another thing that your employer would be looking for when using a resume written by a professional writer is that the paper should be unique and the information should be original. If the content of the resume is similar to other resumes that are published by others, you will stand no chance of getting hired.When using a CV resume writing service, you should be given a choice of many different templates. It will allow you to customize it according to your requirements. Depending on your company's specifications, you can choose from a number of different company logos, slogans, etc.This will enable you to have an interesting business card that gives your prospects an insight into what you can do for them. Using a well-written CV will boost your chances of being hir ed for the job. Your clients will feel good about working with you because they know that you are a professional who understands the importance of customer satisfaction.CV resume writing service is now available for you can now rest assured that you have the best service that you deserve for having created the most professional resume possible. You can simply relax while looking at the hundreds of CV templates that are available online.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Components of Making a Career Pivot [Podcast] - Career Pivot

The Components of Making a Career Pivot [Podcast] - Career Pivot Episode 22 â€" Marc Miller breaks format to discuss three Career Pivot client case studies. Description: Copyright: michaeldb / 123RF Stock Photo In this episode, Marc discusses what you repurpose when you make a career pivot, and he examines the pivots of three clients to illustrate what he means. Marc starts by reading a review on iTunes, and then discusses the three career pivot examples. More information about each client example will be found in Episodes #020, #024, and #028. Key Takeaways: [:56] Marc takes this episode to examine the components of a career pivot, and what you are repurposing. He does this by reviewing the late-career pivots of three clients. [1:15] Marc thanks everyone who has left a review on iTunes of the Repurpose Your Career podcast. On this episode he reads a listener review from iTunes user Unpobregato, who calls the podcast a lifeline. You can read the review on iTunes. Download Link |iTunes|Stitcher Radio|Google Podcast|Podbean|TuneIn|Overcast [2:26] In preparing a career pivot, you have two things you can repurpose: your existing skills, or your industry knowledge. The examples on this episode did one or the other. [3:01] Example 1: Elizabeth Rabaey was interviewed in Episode #020. Elizabeth went from environmental engineering air and water permitting, to marketing in a mining construction equipment company, making multiple pivots. [3:21] Example 2: Mike Martin is on Marc’s blog. In Mike’s first pivot, he went from industrial sales to driving trains for the Houston Metro Line, and being a trainer for them, as they launched the Red Line. [3:45] Example 3: Jennifer will be on a future podcast. Jennifer went from handling sponsorships for live sporting events for a major broadcaster, to a project manager for an agency that deals with curly hair, and has moved from broadcast to digital media. [4:36] Episode #020 is Elizabeth’s story. Elizabeth had a political science and journalism degree, and went to an engineering firm. She was detail-oriented. Years later, she wanted something different. Elizabeth left, but returned to do business development and marketing, which were new skills for her. She repurposed her industry knowledge. [5:57] Marketing for them was painful, but Elizabeth gained valuable skills. A few months ago, she took a job with a mining equipment company. She now coordinates marketing events and conferences, and writes social media. She got the job because she knew equipment. What she’s doing now is not at all what she did before. [6:58] Mike will be on Episode #024. Mike spent many years in industrial sales. After a layoff, he wandered around, considering teaching. He had an associate’s degree in aviation technology. He could have gone back for a bachelor’s degree in aviation. He is a pilot. With some thought, he decided to apply to drive trains. [8:09] Houston Metro Authority was rolling out their Red Line. Mike’s pilot skills and mindset made him a good candidate to drive a train. He tested the line, and also trained other drivers. Mike repurposed his existing skills. However, the commute was hard, and after a couple of years, he came back to Austin to train drone pilots. [9:48] Jennifer will be on Episode #028. Jennifer is a Gen Xer. She spent 20 years at a major broadcast company. She handled the NBA, NASCAR, and everyone loved her job. She, however, hated it; especially dealing with sponsors. She got laid off, moved to Austin, and met Marc, and he evaluated her. [11:15] She had very good project management abilities, especially to manage creatives. She landed at a digital media company, dealing with curly hair. She repurposed her project management skills, and being able to deal with creatives. She started as a contractor, part-time. She “dated” to get the job. [13:14] Elizabeth repurposed her industry knowledge, to get a job to learn knew skills. Jennifer repurposed her project management skills, to learn digital media. Both of these will likely continue to transition. Mike repurposed his skills to get jobs where he learned new knowledge. He made two pivots, to driving trains, and being a drone pilot. Mentioned in This Episode: Childhood Dream of Driving Trains Comes True â€" Case Study Contact Marc, and ask questions at: Please take a moment â€" go to iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play. Give this podcast a review and subscribe! If you’re not sure how to leave a review, please go to, and read the detailed instructions there. Marc Miller Like what you just read? Share it with your friends using the buttons above. Like What You Read? Get Career Pivot Insights! Check out the Repurpose Your Career Podcast Do You Need Help With ...

Saturday, May 9, 2020

I Got Lucky

I Got Lucky There are more and more people securing new jobs.   Last week, I heard from 4 people who got new jobs!   I love hearing their stories of how they found the job, how the interview went and how they negotiated their offers. One happy job seeker said that she submitted her resume to a company and as luck would have it, the person reviewing resumes used to work with her many years ago.   This is just the kind of luck I like to call networking.   No, you cant remember every person you ever worked with, however, you can used LinkedIn to find many of them.   You can also use LinkedIn to research the company to which you are submitting a resume. By not using your network, you are leaving your search in the hands of luck.   By knowing someone in a company, especially someone with the authority to hire, youve just increased your success rate for getting an interview 80+%.   Use your contacts. Has anyone else been able to land an interview because of a previous relationship with someone inside the hiring company? Please, share your experience.   Has it worked the opposite way- you didnt get an interview because of who was doing the hiring?   Let us hear!

Friday, May 8, 2020

A Look At Professional Resume Creation

A Look At Professional Resume Creation Whilst many people are happy to create their own resumes and are able to write a perfectly good resume, there are times when you have to go the extra mile. We know that the type of job that you have will make a big difference to the resume that you submit. It is important to make sure that your resume matches the job you are applying for. There are times when a normal resume isn’t enough and this may be when it is time to consider professional resume creation. If you are going for a high flying job, for example, or one that is at the top of the career ladder, then youll want to make sure that your resume is up to the high standards that a job of this level would expect. If you aren’t sure how to go about this, then you can contact a company to create a professional resume for you. There are different services and add-ons that you get with these services depending on who you go with for your resume creation and the package that you choose. Of course, you can expect a fantastic resume that sells all of your best bits, your skills and your experiences to make sure that they know who you are, why they should hire you and what you would bring to the table if they were to hire you. On top of this you get a variety of other services including help with creating the perfect resume and even a digital copy of your resume which is going to allow you to email in your job application rather than post it.